<aside> 💡 This is based on the “Grow” model, a simple yet powerful framework to start establishing and evaluating your goals as you embark on your journey to achieving them. GROW is an acronym for Goal, Reality, Options and Way Forward.




Area Summary Action Plan
Development Opportunity
Long-term Career Vision
Short-term plan

Goal: What do you want?

Prompt I Feel Certain…. I’m Not Sure…
What are your core values? What do you think about when you make career decisions?
Circling back: What do you want to accomplish in your career over the next 1-3 years? The next 5-10 years?
If money or your current skills weren’t an issue, what would be your dream role?

Reality: What’s happening now?

Prompt I Feel Certain…. I’m Not Sure…
What does success mean to you? Are you experiencing this in your current role?
Are there skills or competencies you wish to develop further but haven’t been given an opportunity to do so?
Do you feel challenged or stretched in your current role? What would make it more challenging? What isn’t challenging you?
Which behaviors and methodologies are your strengths? Your opportunity areas?
Which are you most confident in? The least?
What feedback have you received from other people on your strengths and weaknesses?

Options: What could you do?

Prompt I Feel Certain…. I’m Not Sure…
What can you do right now to further develop skills that would be useful in reaching your goals?
What stretch assignments, big projects, or experiences could you pursue?
What opportunities outside of your core job could you explore? (Volunteering, associations, hobbies)
What professional networking or mentorship options are there?

Way Forward: What will you do?

Prompt I Feel Certain…. I’m Not Sure…
What do you want to accomplish in your role over the next 90 days?
What do you want to focus on in the next 90 days?
Circling back: What do you want to accomplish in your career over the next 1-3 years? The next 5-10 years?
What resources would be useful? What skills will help you get there?
What advocacy would help? How someone else, like a team leader, provide more support towards your development?